Showing posts with label Documentry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Documentry. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

उम्लिएकै जस्तो तातो पानीको नदी फेला पर्यो हेर्नुहोला


तातो पानीका कुण्डहरु त हामीले हाम्रै देशमा देखे सुनेका छौँ । तर तातो पानीको नदीका बारेमा भने सुनिएको थिएन । तर एउटा यस्तो नदी फेला परेको छ जसको पानी मनतातो मात्रै होइन पूरै उम्लिएकै जस्तो तातो छ । त्यो नदीमा गल्तीले नदीमा परियो भने तातोले जिउ डढेर मर्नुको विकल्प हुँदैन । त्यो पानी यति तातो छ की तपाइँ सिधै पानीमा चियापत्ति र चिनी घोलेर चिया बनाउन सक्नुुहुन्छ । दक्षिण अमेरिकाको अमेजन बेसिनमा रहेको यो नदीको लम्बाइ ६.४ किलोमिटर, चौडाइ ८२ फिट तथा गहिराइ झण्डै २० फिट छ । अमेरिकाको टेक्सास विश्वविद्यालयका एकजना विद्यार्थी एन्ड्रीज रुजोले सन् २०११ मा यो नदीको बारेमा खोज अनुसन्धान गरेका हुन् । उनले यस बारेमा किताब नै लेखेका छन् । आफ्ना हजुरबाले भनेको काल्पनिक कथाको आधारमा उनी आफ्नो पिएचडी अनुसन्धानका क्रममा नदीको खोजमा निस्किएका थिए । उक्त नदी भएको स्थान आसपासमा कुनै सक्रिय ज्वालामुखी नभएपनि नदीमा उम्लिनेे पानी बगिरहनु निकै आश्चर्य भएको बताइन्छ । रुजोका अनुसार यो नदिको मूल धाँजा फाटेको ठाउँबाट निस्किएको छ । सोही धाँजा फाटेको ठाउँबाट निस्किएको पानी निकै तातो भएकाले यो नदीमा पूरै तातो पानी बगिरहेको छ । यो नदीको आसपासमा स्थानीय आदिवासी समुदाय छन् जसले यो नदीको सुरक्षा गरिरहेका हुन्छन् । -

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Everest Base Camp Trek of a Lifetime & Earthquake Nepal 2015


Incredible trek to Everest Base Camp (EBC). April 6 – 16, 2015. Absolutely amazing scenery. Arrived at EBC 12 days prior to the deadly Earthquake of April 25, 2015 that claimed 8000 + lives and the avalanche that ripped through EBC claiming 18 lives. May their souls rest forever in peace.Youtube/Jennifer Clinton Everest
Trekking is famous for Everest Base Camp Trekking as well as peak climbing. The prominent magnetisms of this area are the majestic mountains, the high mountain villages, the isolated monasteries, and the local Sherpa peoples. This area includes the highest mountain in the world, Everest at 8848m, as measured by the height of its summit above sea level. The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in High Asia, is located on the border between Nepal and Tibet, China and many of the world’s 8000m peaks such as Lhotse, Cho Oyu, and Makalu. Nearness to the Khumbu region requires either a week walk or a flight to Lukla. Everest regions become the demanding trekking destination for its fascination natural scenery and it boasts many more spectacular and beautiful mountains, as well as some of the most rewarding trekking route not found anywhere in the world. Because of rewarding and unique Sherpa villages and monasteries, this region gets it popularity all over the world. The main goal of many trekkers is the Everest Base Camp at an elevation of about 5340m. From Everest Base Camp you will have the spectacular views of Mt.Everest. Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the most popular trekking destinations for trekkers who would opt for an incredible trekking experience while enjoying its natural splendor.

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

बिश्वका सबै भन्दा ठुला पानि जहाज यस्ता छन ,जुन जहाज भित्र ,एअरपोर्ट , सुपरमार्केट


Next year Barcelona will be the turnaround port for the world’s largest cruise ship, Royal Caribbean’s the Allure of the Seas, a vessel measuring 361 metres in length with a capacity for 6,318 people (equal to the entire population of the Catalan village of Tremp).

This Oasis-class cruise ship, the sister of the Oasis of the Seas (which this year will also visit the Catalan capital) will set sail 25 times from Barcelona. This will be the first time that this cruise ship has visited Europe – up to now she has cruised exclusively around the Caribbean from her base in Port Lauderdale. 158,000 passengers will visit the Port of Barcelona on board the Allure of the Seas, and they will spend 17.5 million EUR in the city. The operations will be performed simultaneously via Terminals B and C, to ensure maximum comfort and speed.

“The choice of Barcelona as a base for the Allure of the Seas for the entire 2015 season is a challenge for the large scale of operations that the ship will be making, but it also helps to consolidate Barcelona as the leader in the European and Mediterranean cruise sector” said Sixte Cambra, president of Barcelona Port Authority.


This estimate is based on the latest study from Barcelona Tourist Board, which has calculated that cruise passengers in turnaround spend an average of 113 EUR, but this is not the only impact the Allure of the Seas will cause on the local economy. Wealth creation also includes business generated by ship supplies (food, fuel, water and all kinds of consumer products); services and port fees; the benefit in tourist terms of bringing passengers to Barcelona from all over the world; or the positive impact it has on the international image of the capital of Catalonia.

The head of Royal Caribbean in Spain has confirmed that the Allure of the Seas stands out not only for her size – equivalent to more than three football pitches or three blocks of Barcelona’s Eixample district – but because of the high level of innovation and extensive offer of facilities, which include a natural park with more than 12,000 real plants, an outdoor water amphitheatre and a pool and beach on the high seas.

Sixte Cambra pointed out that Barcelona is the only Mediterranean port with appropriate facilities to handle large-scale operations for vessels such as the Allure of the Seas, with more than 12,000 passengers embarking and disembarking daily (6,300 in each operation). To ensure that these run smoothly and efficiently, Terminals B and C, managed by Creuers del Port de Barcelona (Port of Barcelona Cruises) and located on Adossat wharf, will provide service to the Royal Caribbean vessel simultaneously.

Mr Cambra stressed that Barcelona is well prepared to host these operations thanks to infrastructure investments valued at over 100 million EUR undertaken in recent years by the Port and private operators, but also thanks to the professionalism of the Port Community and all the stakeholders associated with the cruise industry in the city. “The international terminals run by Port of Barcelona Cruises are especially functional and have been designed to suit the needs of the market in terms of the size and capacity of ships. Therefore we are well equipped to handle large-scale embarking and disembarking operations with the highest levels of safety, security and efficiency,” he added.

This year, the busiest day in passenger terms will be 18 May, with the arrival of 31,534 tourists at the Port. The busiest weekend for passenger arrivals will be from 12 and 14 September, with more than 57,700 tourists arriving in Barcelona.

Last year, the Port of Barcelona received a total of 2.6 million passengers, an increase of 8% year on year and equal to the record high of 2011. Nearly 60% of passengers were in turnaround, in other words they began and/or ended their journey in the city. Passengers in this mode contribute the most to the local economy, since they spend more in the city, mainly in hotels, restaurants, shops and transport.

The Allure of the Seas is scheduled to arrive in Barcelona in May 2015, and will operate there until mid-October. During that time, she will make one short cruise and 22 seven-night circuits with itineraries that will include visits to the ports of Palma de Mallorca, Marseille, La Spezia (Florence- Pisa), Civitavecchia (Rome) and Naples. In addition she will also make two transatlantic trips, at the beginning and end of the season.

Royal Caribbean has been operating at the Port of Barcelona since 1996, when the company brought its Splendour of the Seas cruise ship here. Ms Wangüemert pointed out that vessels from the Royal Caribbean fleet have been based in the city or have made stopovers there for 18 years: “The arrival of the Oasis and Allure of the Seas confirms Royal Caribbean’s commitment to Barcelona, which has established its role as a key port

Sunday, June 28, 2015

चोक्टा खाना गको बुढी झोलमा डुबेर मरी झैँ भएछन् यो शिंहलाई

       शिकार मारेर मज्जाले खाउ भनि छिटो छिटो भैसिको दुई तिघ्राको बिचनिर छिरेको कहिल्यै फर्किन नमिल्ने गरि च्यापेछन् र छटपटीएर शिंहको  मृत्यु भएछन,भिडियो हेर्नुहोस।

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

एक जंगली फल जुन खाएपछि जनावरहरु रक्सीले झैँ मात लाग्दछ

     अफ्रिकामा पाउने  एक किसिमको फल,जुन जनावरहरुलाई अति नै मन पर्दो रहेछन र खाएपछि रक्सि लागेको जसरि मात लागि लडिबुडी हुदोरहेछन भिडिओ हेर्नुहोस ।

Monday, June 15, 2015

बिदेसिले नेपालको बारेमा बनाएको उत्कृस्ट भिडियो

भारत र चिन को बिचमा अबस्थित नेपाल हिमाल,पहाड ,तराई ,चार बर्ण छत्तिस जातको फुलबारी तेस्का साथै विश्वको सर्बोच सिखर सगरमाथा अबस्थित छ यहाँको प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यलाई भिडिओमा देखाईएको छ जुन सोचेभन्दा रमनिए छ यो भिडियो हेरिसकेपछि जोसुकै बिदेसी पनि आकर्सित हुनेछ।

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Nepal Earthquake:Terror On Everest ABC News Special

Nepal Earthquake:Terror On Everest ABC News Special Video
Nepal:The Quake That Shook Everest Video DISCLAIMER: Please note, this is only video embeddeding website. All of the videos found here come from 3rd party video hosting sites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Blip.TV, Veoh. We do not host any of the videos. Please contact to appropriate video hosting site for any video removal.

old nepal 1950 नेपालको बारेमा बनाएको पुरानो भिडिओ


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