Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2016

5 Most Attractive Women Of Nepal


Human Beings are the most beautiful creature ever created on this planet. There are some personalities in our society who just cannot be ignored. Their jaw dropping beauty makes everyone astonished. Heeding that I have brought you 5 most attractive women of Nepal.

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नेपलमा पाईने ५ महंगा बायकहरु


Gone are those days when bikes used to be a mere mode of transportation. Thesedays, bikes have also become a symbol of being affluent.  In Nepal too, many bike enthusiast are preferring luxurious European brand. These bikes are expensive due to their structure, design, speed and outlook. They have been designed by keeping in view the luxury and a thrill that a driver has in his mind.

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भारतियलाई पछार्ने १० नेपालीहरु


यो भिडियोमा भारतमा गएर बिभिन्न रियालिटी शोहरु मार्फत् नेपालको शान बढाउने प्रतिभाशाली ब्यक्तिहरुको चर्चा गरिएको छ । छुटेकाहरुको नाम कमेन्टमा लेख्नुहोला ।

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Friday, January 8, 2016

Human Carrying Drone has been introduce by Chinese drone


China seems taking a great height in terms of science and technology. They are introducing and inventing the new shocking technology and development one by one among the world. Human Carrying Drone is another shocking development and technology introduced by Chinese drone maker Ehang Inc. on Wednesday in Consumer Electronic Show, Las Vegas which is first kind of drone which can be used for human transportation without any pilot.china drone

This human carrying drone looks like a small helicopter but with four doubled propellers spinning parallel to the ground like other drones. According to Ehang, this electric-powered drone can be fully charged in two hours, and carry up to 220 pounds and fly for 23 minutes at sea level. It is designed for 10 miles periphery distance and can fly 60 miles per hour and does not needs runway. chinese droneThe one of the main features of this drone is that if anything fails another system will take over and completes the flight and passengers have option to halt flight and hover in air in case of emergency. The company has not reveled anything related to the cost yet. However, it is one of the best gift from China to the mankind in this New Year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

छुट्टै राष्ट्र माग्ने सि.के.राउतका कार्यकर्ताले मधेशी युवालाई तालिम दिदै गरेको भिडियो


छुट्टै मधेश देश गर्ने माग्ने सिके राउतका कार्यकर्ताले मधेसी युबाहरुलाई तालिम दिईरहेको भिडियो हेर्नुहोस। श्रोत पहिलो पोस्ट टिभी  
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Monday, December 28, 2015

नाका अवरुद्ध गर्ने राजेन्द्र महतोलाई प्रहरीको लाठीले यसरी कुटिए भिडियो हेर्नुहोस


१३ पौष-भन्सार नाका अवरुद्ध गर्ने क्रममा भएको झडपमा परी घाइते हुनुभएका सद्भावना पार्टीका अध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र महतोको स्वास्थ्य अवस्था सुधारोन्मुख हुँदै गएको छ । शनिबार अपराह्न विराटनगरको रानी भन्सार अगाडि मधेसी मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताका साथ धर्नामा बसेपछि प्रहरीसँग झडप हुँदा उहाँ घाइते हुनुभएको थियो ।
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Saturday, December 12, 2015

बाघ र बोकाको मित्रताले संसारलाई चकित भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस


A Tiger's best friend is a... Goat . This paradox has occurred in the Primorsky safari park in Russia. Amur tiger became friends with a goat! Twice a week, give live prey tiger and Amur pleased kills and eats goats and rabbits. But this time, the tiger suddenly made friends with his dinner.An unlikely friendship continued to develop between a rare Amur tiger and a goat that was meant to be his dinner, at Primorski Safari Park in Shkotovski . Rare Amur tiger usually dines on live goats and rabbits without a care, twice a week.
The goat that has been named Timur in honour of his bravery in facing his predator, has been observed for several days frolicking in the snow with his newfound friend. The Primorsky safari park runs a program for breeding rare tigers in captivity partly to give the large animal the chance to hunt his prey. The Amur tiger's affection for Timur the goat is highly unusual after three years of hunting other goats. Timur appears to think the Amur tiger is his leader, chasing and following it at every turn. The two animals are fed every day in the hope of helping the friendship continue and to avoid a bloody ending.
The safari park now posts daily updates of the friendship, saying the tiger "hisses" to warn off workers from approaching too closely to Timur.
The pair have been dubbed "the cautious Amur and the brave Timur" by fans.
Separating the two might be difficult, with Amur showing a protective attitude towards his new friend.
"Amur hissed at an employee who feeds the tigers, as if to tell him, 'Hey, don't you ever approach my friend'," RT reported a keeper saying.
"Before that, he never showed any aggression towards staff."
Employees Primorsky safari park ceased to feed the goats Amur tiger, who became friends with a goat Timur and together they began to walk in aviary. Predator continues to feed on live prey, but now instead of ungulates he is given the rabbits.
Park staff noted that a tiger behaves much calmer in the presence of Timur. "Cupid often roared ahead - both day and night. And after friends of Timur roar almost stopped, the tiger has become calmer and more balanced,"
Seaside safari park includes four thematic areas in which live dozens of species of animals and birds. Most of them were picked up in the forest sick or injured, to get them back into the wild anymore. Safari Park is involved in several environmental programs in the Primorye Territory, including in the program of conservation of rare animals.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

चीनले कागजको पुल बनाई गाडी गुडाईयो


  चीनले ल्याण्ड रोवर ब्रान्डको ४५औ स्थापना दिवसको अवसरमा कागजको ५ मिटर लामो पुल बनाई त्यस माथि २ ,३७४ किलोको गाडी गुडाएर संसारलाई देखाई दियो। ब्रिटिश निर्माता जेम्‍स क्रॉपर पीएलसी द्वारा उपलब्‍ध गराईएको ५४ ,३९० कागजको टुक्रा बाट बनाईएको पुलबाट सो गाडी कुदाईएको थियो । एन्‍वायरमेंटल आर्टिस्‍ट स्‍टीव मैसम द्वारा डिजाइन गरिएको उक्त पुल निर्माण गर्न तीन दिन लागेको थियो , भने जसमा गम तथा पिन काटी वा टास्ने कुनै पनि बस्तुको प्रयोग गरिएको थिएन । एजेन्सी


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Friday, November 20, 2015

बिस्वको १० खतरानक रोडहरु


Roads are the most easy and the seconds most cheap means of transport. Below are listed the most dangerous roads in the world. They are so fr!gh*tening that people think twice before driving through it and drivers must be very careful while driving on the road.

1. Passage De Gois (France): The road is in France and looks like a very decent road but as the tide comes in half of the road gets covered with water. Drivers some times get confused and end up in the road. Similarly the road is also covered with water and sea weed which makes it as slippery as ice.
2. Patiopoulo- Perdikaki Road (Greece): The road is 500 meters long and has very bendy curves with almost no side guards. The truck drivers drive at very high speed which makes this road even more d@ng*erous.
3.Luxor- Al- Hurghada Road (Egypt): Locals usually tell people to stay away from this road because the road passes through a very deserted area and is known to be a hub for criminals and terrorists.
4. Taroko Gorge Road (Taiwan): The road is known to be the country’s most deadliest stretch of road.
5. Skippers Canyon Road (New Zealand): This is a very dangerous road in New Zealand and even insurance a=companies are not ready to pay of you drive through this road. The road has very less safety features and barriers.
6. Halsema Highway (Philippines): This road is very narrow and is almost unusable during the rainy seasons. Similarly tour buses drive at high speed through the highway which results in even more accidents.
7. Tianmen Mountain Road (China): This Chinese roadway is not for the faint hearted. This road has 99 hair pin turns and is very deadly.
8. Eyre Highway (Australia): This road might seen very good and decent but it passes through the most remote areas in Australia with no human civilization to be seen. The road is also so straight that drivers have hard time focusing on the road.
9. Karakoram Highway (China to Pakistan)
10. Zoji La Pass (India)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

भारतीय नकाबंधीको बिरोध स्वरुप "बन्द गर नाका तर बन्दिन म कसैको दास" बोलको गीत भिडियो सहित हेरौ


  लामो समयदेखि भारतले गरेको अघोषित नाकाबन्दीको चौतर्फि रुपमा नेपाल र नेपालीहरुले विरोधभैरहेदा पनि  खोल्ने संकेत देखिएको छैन।
   यस्तै नेपाली कलकाकारहरु पनि आफ्नो रचना मार्फत नाकाबन्दीको विरोधमा जुटेका छन । कवि तथा गीतकार भुपिनको ‘बन्द गर नाका तर बन्दिन म कसैको दास’बोलको गीत सार्वजनिक भएको छ । उक्त गीतमा नेपालीहरु स्वाभिमानी भएकोले कसैको दास नबन्ने भाव समेटिएको छ । कलाकार कमल खत्री,विश्व नेपाली, जमुना शर्मा र मिना सिङले उक्त गीतमा स्वर दिएका छन ।

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

दक्षिण अफ्रिकामा सुनको पहाड फेला पर्यो भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोला।

दक्षिण अफ्रिकामा सुनको पहाड फेला पर्यो रे त्येसैले सुन अझै सस्तो हुने हल्ला चलिरहेको छ। भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोला।


Friday, August 7, 2015

Girl Molested near Koshi River at Nainital


सरोगेसीको अवैधानिक धन्दामा ज्योति समूह र ग्राण्डी अस्पतालको संलग्नता

सरोगेसीको अवैधानिक धन्दामा ज्योति समूह र ग्राण्डी अस्पतालको संलग्नतालाई न्युज 24 अन्तर्गत POWER  NEWS ले पर्दाफाँस गरिदिएको छ। सरकारको सम्बन्धित निकायले छिट्टै कारबाही गरोस अन्य भिडियोमा हेर्नुहोला।


५ बर्ष दुबाई बसेर फर्केका युवा बंगुर पालन गरेर मनग्य आम्दानी गर्दै

५ बर्ष दुबाई बसेर फर्केका युवा बंगुर पालन गरेर मनग्य आम्दानी गर्दै बिदेसमा जति दुख गरे आफ्नै देसमा  दोब्बर कमाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने उनको भनाई सहित भिडियो हेर्नुहोस।

 V I D E O 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Dance India Dance Season 5 - Episode 12 - August 2, 2015 - Full Episode

डि.आई.डी.५ भाग १२ ,श्राबन १७ आइतबारका दिन प्रस्तुत पुरा भाग हेर्नुहोस्।
                                                         क्लिक गर्नुस भिडियो PLAY हुनेछ।

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