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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bibek Sitaula - Timi Timi Chau ft Priyanka Karki

Watch New Nepali song "Timi Timi Chau" presented by The Rebel Creation. The singer of this song is Bibek Sitaula. The Lyrics and Music is provuided by Bibek Sitaula as well. Famous Nepali actress and actor Priyanka / Jeevan are dancing in this video.
 Lyrics/Music: Bibek Sitaula
Artiste: Priyanka / Jeevan
Arranger: Shailendra Pradhan "Babu"
Recording/Mixing: Bijay Shrestha
Dress Designer: Ishu Magar
Makeup: Sarita
Camera: Anil Manandhar "Aniqurel"
Edit/Direction : Jeevan Thapa
The Rebel Creation 2015

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